18th August, 2024

Open To All Retreaters

RWR invites all Retreaters, Presenters and Crew of our Rainforest Writing Retreats (past and present) to submit to the 2024 YA Short Fiction Anthology.

This year's anthology comes with a challenge - all stories are to be written in collaboration with another writer. Yep, we want writers to pair-up and write a story together.

What we want:
YA fiction aimed at a market of 15-17yrs old.

Characters should fit in that age group.

Characters should be complex individuals.

Each story is produced by two authors.

Any genre.

What we don’t want:
Stories aimed too young that come across as 'babyish'.

Stereotyped characters that can be insulting to teens.
Didactic tales.

We may not be unable to publish every piece submitted and our judges will be selecting the most creative, engaging and suitable short stories to be included in this publication.

How to Submit

Submit your collaborated YA short story of up to 4,000 words, or a poem of no more than 1,000 words to: with 'Submission' in the subject line.

Submissions close midnight (Brisbane time) 18th August, 2024. Do not be late with your submission. If you miss the bus and arrive half-way through publishing class, you'll fail the pop-quiz. Do not be late.

Please adhere to the guidelines below to give your story the best chance of acceptance. Stories have been rejected before because they failed to meet the basic guidelines. We will NOT format your story for you.


  • You must have ATTENDED our retreat to be included.

  • Make sure both author names and contact details are included. If your writing name is different from the name you booked your retreat in, make sure you let us know so we can validate your Retreater status.

  • Acceptable word count is between 500 words to a maximum of 4,000 words for short stories.

  • There is no set genre for this anthology. Write rom-com, horror, adventure, drama - it's up to you.

  • This YA anthology is aimed at young adults 15-17 years – younger children’s stories will not be accepted.

  • Mild sexual scenes that move the story forward are acceptable but full erotica will not be accepted for this publication.

  • There is no fee for submitting but not all stories will be included.

  • EDIT your story before submitting. Make it the best that you can to increase your chance of acceptance.

  • Format standard detailed below, stories that do not adhere to this format will not be accepted.

  • As we cannot take all stories submitted, do not be disheartened, keep submitting to our future anthologies!

Format Standard

  • Story must be attached to submission email as a Word document (.doc or .docx) we do not accept PDF or other files.

  • Title of the story and both authors' names must appear in the header of every page. Page numbers must appear in the footer.

  • Your font must be Times New Roman, size 12.

  • Paragraphs are to be fully justified.

  • No empty lines between paragraphs, instead, use paragraph formatting to indent the first line of each paragraph to 0.7. Your very first paragaph should not be indented.

  • New scenes do not use any icons between scenes. Simply leave one blank line. The first line of a new scene is NOT indented.

  • Poetry will have its own stylistic format and will not need to adhere to this structure.

  • If your story has a visually stylistic design, please also submit an image of how this should appear, however, still submit your text as detailed above in our format standard.


By submitting to this anthology you are granting RWR permission to publish your story in this anthology as a print book, ebook and possibly an audiobook. Stories will be published by Hot Doggy Press. Authors still retain the rights to their story.

Judges decision on which stories are to be included will be final. We cannot include every story, so sadly, some will be rejected. This does not mean your story is not good, just that it was not the best fit for this publication at this time.

All work selected for publication will be reviewed by our editors and by other anthology writers. Feedback will be attended to by the author. RWR reserves the right to make edits on the final draft prior to publishing.

All authors included in the anthology will be expected to help with editing by offering a full critique to six other submissions. You will be guided through this process by our RWR Crew.

This is not a paid submission. RWR will produce the anthology and Authors can purchase at a discounted rate so they can resell their copies. No further royalties are payable on the anthology or reprints for print, digital or audiobook editions.

SUBMISSIONS CLOSE: 4th August, 2024

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